1.0 - Introduction

Data is all around us, but getting that data and processing it into a readable format is usually the most time consuming part of any data pipeline. In this notebook, I will focus on web scraping using BeautifulSoup. The idea is to come up with a generic process that can be used for most websites and turn the internet itself into a data source. We also want to scrape the website in such a way that follows the "tidy data" format based on the paper by Hadley Wickham.

The target for this project will be MyAnimeList.net, an anime review website where users can sign up and give a review and/or a rating on various animes. This website is similar to IMDB, but it is focused on Japanese animation. I am going to showcase the methodology of scraping this website into a SQLite database that can be easily queried.

I will also do a bit of data analysis using SQL and pandas to explore the following questions:

  • What are the top 10 genres by popularity and rating?
  • Is there a correlation between the number of genres vs. ratings?
  • What is the studio with the highest average rating for the anime they've produced?
  • Is there a connection between source material of an anime vs. ratings?

For a complete list of requirements and the detailed code for this project, check out my GitHub repository here.

1.1 - Imports

We will use requests.get() for getting the raw data, and BeautifulSoup for parsing the HTML data. time, random are used for adding intervals between requests, so we don't hammer the servers with too many requests.

For data storage, we will use sqlite3. For data analysis, we will use pandas, seaborn, numpy, and matplotlib.

In [1]:
from requests import get
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import time
import random
import math
import sqlite3
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns

2.0 - Exploring the Raw Data

Before we start, we have to find out what pages we want to target for this project. I did not come up the database schema from the start. This was something I thought about later down the line. This is a top-down approach where we first thinking about what kind of data we are looking for, then we build our database around the initial data.

2.1 - Finding the best pages to scrape

For this project, we are mainly interested in the reviews data. I usually try to look for webpages that fits the following:

  • URL structure with a pattern.
  • Contains as much data as possible.
  • Relatively easy to parse.

In addition, we have to think about how we will structure our relational database to store the data along the way.


This page has about 50 of these containers. So we are scraping 50 reviews everytime we make a request. I highlighted some of the information we want to scrape.

The URL structure is also easy to identify. We can set up a for loop from p=1 to p=N.

2.2 - Making the first request

The next step is to see what the raw data looks like, all we have to do is enter the URL and the get() function. The headers is what people on the server side sees, generally it is a good idea to be courteous and explain why you are scraping their data.

In [2]:
url = 'https://myanimelist.net/reviews.php?t=anime&p;=6'
headers = {
        "User-Agent": "mal review scraper for research."
response = get(url)

A response 200 indicates that the request was successful. Next, we'll use beautiful soup to find out what the data looks like.

In [3]:
html_soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')


Now this is where the fun part begins, we have to figure out a pattern in the soup object, so we can extract the same data for every single container on this page.

2.3 - Breaking down the raw data

Reading the HTML mess in Python is very tedious, it is a better idea to use the developer tools in Firefox or Chrome to explore the HTML. reviews_inspect


The inspect element feature on the browser is very useful for navigating the HTML code. Jumping into the HTML code on the page, we immediately see that each container is separated by div and class = 'borderDark'. Using the .find_all() method we can get a list of the 50 review containers.

In [4]:
review_containers = html_soup.find_all('div', class_ = 'borderDark')

3.0 - Parsing and Cleaning the Reviews Data

Now that we've split the page into 50 review containers, let's see what the review container look like. This data is still extremely messy, but it should be easier to work with than before.

This is the most time consuming part of the web scraping process. Personally, I learned a lot of parsing techniques from this blog post from dataquest here. Going into the extreme details of the parsing techniques used is a bit beyond the scope of this notebook, but I will talk about the general methodology of the process.

In [5]:
review = review_containers[22]


3.1 - Parsing the primary key, review_id

When building a SQL database, we have to determine what to use a primary key. The primary key ensures that only unique reviews get added into the database. Luckily, each review container has an ID stored within the metadata of the HTML.

Playing arround with the .find_all() method and its attributes, .attrs[] gives us this result.

In [6]:
review_id = review.find_all(
    'div', attrs={'style':"float: left; display: none; margin: 0 10px 10px 0"})[0].attrs['id']

This data is a slightly dirty, we can use .replace() to get rid of the text.

In [7]:
review_id = review_id.replace('score', '')

3.2 - Parsing the foreign key, anime_id

We also have to think about what to use a foreign key to build upon our data. The reviews section does not have much information on the anime itself. So it is a good idea to scrape the anime_id for later use.

We'll have to use .find() method and search for the class associated with the anime_id.

In [8]:
anime_id = review.div.find('a', class_='hoverinfo_trigger').attrs['rel'][0]
In [9]:
anime_id = anime_id.replace('#revInfo', '')

3.3 - Parsing and cleaning review information

Using the similar method of using inspect element on the browser along with beautiful soup, we can parse and clean the rest of the data.

In [10]:
review_element = review.div
anime_name = review_element.find('a', class_='hoverinfo_trigger').text         
username = review_element.find_all('td')[1].a.text
review_date = review_element.div.div.text
episodes_seen = review_element.div.find_all('div')[1].text.strip().split(' ')[0]

3.4 - Parsing and cleaning review ratings

In [11]:
overall_rating = review_element.div.find_all('div')[2].text.strip().split('\n')[1]
story_rating = review.find_all('td', class_='borderClass')[3].text
animation_rating = review.find_all('td', class_='borderClass')[5].text
sound_rating = review.find_all('td', class_='borderClass')[7].text
character_rating = review.find_all('td', class_='borderClass')[9].text    
enjoyment_rating = review.find_all('td', class_='borderClass')[11].text

3.5 - Parsing and cleaning review body and helpful counts

The body text is slightly different from the rest of the data. We'll have to use .select() to select the class and contents() to open up the contents of the class. The body of the review is located at the 5th and 6th element of the list.

In [12]:
#Review helpful counts
helpful_counts = review_element.find('span').text

#Review Body
body1 = review.select('div.spaceit.textReadability.word-break.pt8')[0].contents[4].strip()
body2 = review.select('div.spaceit.textReadability.word-break.pt8')[0].contents[5].text.strip()
review_body = (body1 + ' ' + body2)
'What do you get if you mix a whole lot of Evangelion, a decent amount of Elfen Leid and just a pinch of Mirai Nikki? You get Darling in the FranXX. This review is spoiler free, and aimed at those contemplating whether or not to watch the series.\n\r\n[THEMES/STORY]:\n\r\n"Jian, also known as \'the bird who shares wings\', only possess one wing. Unless a male and female pair lean on each other and act as one, they\'re incapable of flight" - Ep 1.\n\r\nThis show is a little like Madoka Magica in that you will'

Next, we'll have to clean up the \n and \r from the body section. We'll just replace these with spaces.

In [13]:
review_body = (body1 + ' ' + body2).replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' ')
'What do you get if you mix a whole lot of Evangelion, a decent amount of Elfen Leid and just a pinch of Mirai Nikki? You get Darling in the FranXX. This review is spoiler free, and aimed at those contemplating whether or not to watch the series.   [THEMES/STORY]:   "Jian, also known as \'the bird who shares wings\', only possess one wing. Unless a male and female pair lean on each other and act as one, they\'re incapable of flight" - Ep 1.   This show is a little like Madoka Magica in that you will'

That is it for prototyping the reviews scraper! So far, we managed to scrape data from one container on one page. We can apply a similar process for scraping anime information, tags, and studio names. Then use a for loop to scrape every container on every page. The detailed code for parsing/cleaning of the data on the other tables can be found in my GitHub repository.

4.0 - Building the SQL Database

The next problem we need to tackle is data storage. While it is possible to store everything in memory using pandas, it makes more sense to store the information into a SQL database. If the dataset is very large, I am pretty sure my computer will run out of memory.

First, let's start off with some helper functions.

In [14]:
def run_query(DB, q):
    with sqlite3.connect(DB) as conn:
        return pd.read_sql(q,conn)

def run_command(DB, c):
    with sqlite3.connect(DB) as conn:
        conn.execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;')
        conn.isolation_level = None
def run_inserts(DB, c, values):
    with sqlite3.connect(DB) as conn:
        conn.execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;')
        conn.isolation_level = None
        conn.execute(c, values) 

I created three helper functions:

  • run_query() reads a SQL query and returns a pandas dataframe,
  • run_command() executes a SQL command with consideration of foreign keys and autocommit changes.
  • run_inserts() executes a SQL command specifically used for writing into the database.

4.1 - Primary keys

The first thing we'll have to think about is what to use as a primary key. If we are scraping data from the internet, we probably want to avoid generating our own primary keys using AUTOINCREMENT. Internet pages are usually dynamic, and we want to make sure we don't scrape the same thing twice.

So far, we know we can scrape anime_id and review_id directly. But, we also have to consider that every anime has its own studio, and genres. We can get this information off the url structure itself.

4.2 - Foreign keys

So far we have the following primary keys:

  • review_id
  • anime_id
  • tag_id
  • studio_id

Now we have to think about how to relate these keys with each other. A studio can produce many animes, and each anime can have many reviews. Immediately, we know we should relate these three ids together using foreign keys.

But what about the tags(genres)? An anime can have many tags, and each tag can have many animes. The solution to problem is to create a many to many intermediate table. This table will store the anime_ids and tag_ids together as a key.

4.3 - Creating the database schema

At the end of the day, we have the following database schema,


Now we just have to write some SQL queries to create the database. The detailed queries to make create the above tables can be found in createtables.py.

4.4 - Inserting data into the tables

Okay, so we have the database schema, now we have to think about how to write down the information into the database. We can accomplish this by using an INSERT command.

In [15]:
DB = 'anime.db'

insert_command = '''
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)

    DB, insert_command,(
        int(review_id), int(anime_id), username, review_date, \
        episodes_seen, int(overall_rating), \
        int(story_rating), int(animation_rating), int(sound_rating), \
        int(character_rating), int(enjoyment_rating), int(helpful_counts), review_body

5.0 - Special Considerations

When we apply a for loop to our prototype, we could potentially hammer the servers with too many requests. It is generally a good idea to be courteous when extracting information from another website as a third party application.

In addition, we also want a way to monitor our for loop using print() functions and handle any potential errors that can occur.

5.1 - Sleep times

We can artificially inject a sleep time in between each iteration of the for loop using time.sleep(). We also want to mimic human behavior by varying the sleep times. This can be accomplished by using random.uniform() which selects a random float value between two integers.

In [16]:
sleep_min = 2
sleep_max = 5

start_time = time.time()
for i in range(1, 4):
    time.sleep(random.uniform(sleep_min, sleep_max))
    print('Loop #: {}'.format(i))
    print('Elapsed Time: {} seconds'.format(time.time() - start_time))
Loop #: 1
Elapsed Time: 2.1878020763397217 seconds
Loop #: 2
Elapsed Time: 6.901684284210205 seconds
Loop #: 3
Elapsed Time: 9.803745985031128 seconds

5.2 - Request errors

If our internet goes out in the middle of the loop or if we reach a page that doesn't exist. We want to print out an error message and log the error. For simplicity of this example, I dumped the error onto a list. In the actual script, we probably want to write the errors into a text file.

In [17]:
sleep_min = 2
sleep_max = 5

log = []
for i in range(30000, 30003):
    time.sleep(random.uniform(sleep_min, sleep_max))
    url = 'https://myanimelist.net/reviews.php?t=anime&p;={}'.format(i)
    headers = {
        "User-Agent": "mal review scraper for research."

    print('Scraping: {}'.format(url))

        response = get(url, headers=headers, timeout = 10)
        print('Request timeout')
        log.append('Request timeout for {}'.format(url))

    if response.status_code != 200:
        print('Status code: {}'.format(response.status_code))
        log.append('Status code: {0} {1}'.format(response.status_code, url))

Scraping: https://myanimelist.net/reviews.php?t=anime&p;=30000
Request timeout
Scraping: https://myanimelist.net/reviews.php?t=anime&p;=30001
Request timeout
Scraping: https://myanimelist.net/reviews.php?t=anime&p;=30002
Status code: 404
['Request timeout for https://myanimelist.net/reviews.php?t=anime&p;=30000', 'Request timeout for https://myanimelist.net/reviews.php?t=anime&p;=30001', 'Status code: 404 https://myanimelist.net/reviews.php?t=anime&p;=30002']

5.3 - Monitoring the scraping progress

Lastly, we want to include status messages that answers the following questions:

  • What page are we scraping?
  • How much time has passed?
  • How many requests are we making per second?
In [18]:
start_time = time.time()
sleep_min = 2
sleep_max = 5
page_start = 1
page_end = 5

for i in range(page_start, (page_end+1)):
    time.sleep(random.uniform(sleep_min, sleep_max))
    current_time = time.time()
    elapsed_time = current_time - start_time
    requests = i    

    print('Requests Completed: {}; Frequency: {} requests/s'.format(requests, requests/elapsed_time))
    print('Elapased Time: {} minutes'.format(elapsed_time/60))
    if requests == page_end:
        print('Scrape Complete')
Requests Completed: 1; Frequency: 0.22681064403497714 requests/s
Elapased Time: 0.07348273595174154 minutes
Requests Completed: 2; Frequency: 0.23399229878595026 requests/s
Elapased Time: 0.14245483080546062 minutes
Requests Completed: 3; Frequency: 0.2287163979898191 requests/s
Elapased Time: 0.21861134767532348 minutes
Requests Completed: 4; Frequency: 0.2501008731176358 requests/s
Elapased Time: 0.26655911207199096 minutes
Requests Completed: 5; Frequency: 0.2383797038429263 requests/s
Elapased Time: 0.3495823343594869 minutes
Scrape Complete

5.4 - Summary of the web scraping process

That is everything we need to put together a script to scrape the website! Please checkout my GitHub repository for the result!

In summary, this is the process I would follow:


6.0 - Exploratory Data Analysis

For the rest of this notebook, I will demonstrate several SQL queries on the database after we finished scraping the website. Suppose we are an anime studio looking to produce the next big anime. We want to do lots of research on the following:

  • What is the genre of the anime we should go for?
  • How many genres should we include in the anime?
  • What should we use as the source material for the anime adaption?
  • What is the highest rated studio? Maybe we can learn a bit from their success?

Maybe that will give us some ideas of what the consumers are interested in.

6.1 - The top 10 highest rated genres

Determining the top 10 highest rated genres is very simple with the SQL databse, a basic SELECT query should do the trick. Unfortunately, SQLite does not have STDEV as an aggregate function. In addition, we have null values in the overall_ratings so we'll use pandas for the null values.

In [19]:
testq = '''
    t.tag_id tag_id,
    t.tag_name Genre,
FROM animes a
INNER JOIN anime_tags at ON a.anime_id = at.anime_id
INNER JOIN tags t ON at.tag_id = t.tag_id


table1 = run_query(DB, testq)
tag_id Genre anime_id overall_rating
41424 37 Supernatural 7495 null
41425 37 Supernatural 35709 null
41426 32 Vampire 3801 4.13
41427 33 Yaoi 6546 5.07
41428 33 Yaoi 9232 6.09
In [20]:
#Handle null values
table1['overall_rating_std'] = pd.to_numeric(table1['overall_rating'], errors='coerce').dropna()
table1['overall_rating_mean'] = pd.to_numeric(table1['overall_rating'], errors='coerce').dropna()
table1['sample_size'] = 0

table1_cleaned = table1.groupby(['tag_id', 'Genre'], as_index = False).agg({'overall_rating_std': np.std, 'overall_rating_mean': np.mean, 'sample_size': len})
table1_cleaned = table1_cleaned.sort_values(by=['overall_rating_mean'], ascending = False).head(10)
tag_id Genre overall_rating_std sample_size overall_rating_mean
40 41 Thriller 1.123790 97 7.302045
42 43 Josei 0.783113 81 7.254667
6 7 Mystery 0.835486 602 7.224606
26 27 Shounen 0.716568 1756 7.132192
38 39 Police 0.808493 219 7.129677
7 8 Drama 0.801834 2276 7.064534
41 42 Seinen 0.788471 691 7.048993
36 37 Supernatural 0.873404 1199 7.014661
22 23 School 0.758184 1397 7.000718
21 22 Romance 0.760988 1623 6.994559
In [21]:
y = table1_cleaned['Genre']
x = table1_cleaned['overall_rating_mean']
std = table1_cleaned['overall_rating_std']
xerr = 1.96*std/np.sqrt(table1_cleaned['sample_size']).values

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5))
ax = sns.barplot(x, y, xerr=xerr, palette='GnBu_d')
ax.set_xlabel('Average Rating')

A brief look at the ratings above, the average rating of the top 10 genres are all fairly close to each other. 'Thriller' animes are rated the highest on average, but the sample size is small (< 100). Maybe genre isn't the only thing we need to produce a high rated anime. This makes sense because an anime can have fit into many genres, or 'tags'. We need to pursue the question further.

6.2 - Number of genres and ratings

Okay, maybe if an anime incorporates many genres, maybe that will improve the rating? Once again, we can query SQL to grab the information we need.

In [22]:
q2 = '''
WITH anime_genre_counts AS
        COUNT(at.anime_id) Number_of_genres,
        AVG(a.overall_rating) overall_rating
    FROM animes a
    INNER JOIN anime_tags at ON a.anime_id = at.anime_id
    INNER JOIN tags t ON at.tag_id = t.tag_id
    GROUP BY 1

    COUNT(anime_id) sample_size,
    AVG(overall_rating) Average_rating
FROM anime_genre_counts

table2 = run_query(DB, q2)
Number_of_genres sample_size Average_rating
0 13 1 6.930000
1 7 255 6.880471
2 11 2 6.880000
3 10 15 6.808667
4 6 664 6.803449
5 8 79 6.783418
6 5 1424 6.540716
7 9 39 6.339744
8 4 2180 6.188445
9 3 2939 5.107383
10 1 3383 4.103320
11 2 3226 3.582502

It is hard to draw conclusions from this query. We see that animes with 1 or 2 genres tagged are all the way at the bottom. This is because unpopular animes do not get tagged as often. Whereas popular animes get tagged a lot more.

6.3 - The highest rated studio

Next we want to look for high rated studios. Once again, we'll use a SQL query. We also want to avoid looking up anime movies. So we'll set the episodes_total constraint to at least 10. We also want to avoid looking up studios that got lucky and produced a huge hit by pure chance, so we'll set the anime_produced constraint to at least 10 as well.

In [23]:
q3 = '''
WITH anime_studios AS
        COUNT(a.anime_id) animes_produced,
        AVG(a.overall_rating) overall_rating,
    FROM animes a
    INNER JOIN studios s ON s.studio_id = a.studio_id
    WHERE episodes_total > 10
    GROUP BY 1

    overall_rating average_ratings
FROM anime_studios
WHERE animes_produced > 10
ORDER BY average_ratings DESC

table3 = run_query(DB, q3)
studio_name animes_produced average_ratings
0 Tezuka_Productions 13 7.316154
1 Shaft 66 7.310758
2 Bones 73 7.307671
3 TYO_Animations 14 7.252857
4 Brains_Base 63 7.209841
5 Hal_Film_Maker 24 7.202083
6 Seven_Arcs 15 7.152000
7 Collaboration_Works 11 7.148182
8 Studio_Gokumi 18 7.140556
9 David_Production 18 7.133889

The number of animes these top studios produced are a bit on the low end. However, we should definitely look into studios like 'Shaft', 'Brains_base', and 'Bones'.

6.4 - Source material and ratings

In [24]:
q4 = '''
    COUNT(anime_id) sample_size,
    AVG(overall_rating) average_ratings
FROM animes
GROUP BY source_material
ORDER BY average_ratings DESC

table4 = run_query(DB, q4)
source_material sample_size average_ratings
0 Light novel 562 6.826477
1 Manga 3069 6.447520
2 Visual novel 883 6.430555
3 4-koma manga 220 6.025773
4 Novel 344 5.817006
5 Digital manga 8 5.801250
6 Card game 56 5.639464
7 Game 584 5.600051
8 Web manga 145 4.958828
9 Original 3236 4.331805
In [25]:
y = table4['source_material']
x = table4['average_ratings']

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5))
ax = sns.barplot(x, y, palette='GnBu_d')
ax.set_xlabel('Average Rating')
ax.set_ylabel('Source Material')

From the data above, we see that original series generally do not perform very well. Where as adaptations based on light novels, mangas, and visual novels tend to do a lot better. This is mainly due to the fact that adaptations based on other works already have a following to the series. It is much harder to obtain new viewers as an original series.


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